Time to Drag Down the Sun.
Ah, I noticed while driving home from work last evening the long shadows. Actually, I spotted them descending a while ago. I keep an eye out for that, for this time of year when the arc of the sun drops. It certainly makes for lovely long dark shadows, something that pulls me in.
The summer is winding down. The really hot days seem to be gone…I hope. Cool mornings, chilly mornings…a harbinger for my favorite season, autumn! To me, summer is massive GREEN. Everything is green, a wall of green. Trees and bushes block my view. It’s scenery. But then autumn comes along and starts the transformation to a time when the green turns brown, then disappears and suddenly the world has a barren depth that was hidden in the summer months. Instead of not ‘seeing the forest for the trees’ and suddenly, striped of green, the forest becomes vast, and empty. Soon thereafter, snow will accentuate the bleak barrenness, with everything looking so black and white.
But autumn is coming. The chill in the air…apple cider, squash soup, the crunch of leaves underfoot, horror movies, Halloween…wait, I forgot. No Halloween this year. Don’t you recall that the Rapture was rescheduled for 15 October. Hmmm. I don’t want to miss Halloween so I just might see if I can get our city to declare Halloween early this year, due to Rapture. I mean, I’m sure nobody wants to miss Rapture, but then, who wants to miss Halloween?
I only hope I have the time and inclination to get out with the camera and celebrate my season.