Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Retreating Army

Quick observation there...

I need some plastic army men for some photo shoots and prowl the dollar stores for cheap stuff. I've noticed lately that packages of army men are scarce. I can find bag after bag of police and firemen, but no troops. They were there just a few months ago.

That got me thinking...why?

Even though we still have thousands and thousands of troops still stationed in Iraq, news from there is scarce from the corporate-controlled media. I still think that troop presence, and the dangers they face, are important. It is still a dangerous mission. Why aren't we getting daily updates from Iraq?

The media largely guides what appears in the news. General Electric, for instance, owns NBC and one would think they might have an interest in what is reported in the news. GE also makes a ton of money from war contracts. Perhaps some conflict of interest here?

I don't think GE controls the Chinese-made army men sold in dollar stores, but perhaps 'army' is out of sight right now. With the recent health care bill, perhaps we'll see bags of health care workers, 54 in a bag, EMU techs, doctors, nurses, maybe even a few unconscious victims.

I wonder if these plastic figures will still sell after Michele Bachmann of MN can get the new law before the Supreme Court, so her friends Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Thomas can strike it down and return us more to the Amerika we've grown to know and 'love' over the past thirty years.

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