Monday, January 24, 2011

A Seasoned Photographer

Autumn rules! Well, in my book. The colors, the chill, the sweet smells of rot, as the forces of Nature recede into the earth for a stay underground as winter covers the earth. Freshly crushed apple cider...autumn harvest. When I get that hint of autumn during the last days of summer, my excitement surges. Summer is a real drag for me as I don't like being hot and sweaty, and I don't like artificially controlled temperatures, I mean, AC. I also don't like how the entire everything outside is green. Green green green. All the greenness blocks my view, too. What could be more boring than taking photos in a cemetery in the summer! I've always had issues with that. But autumn kicks in, the colors really enhance what I see in the cemetery. Late fall, early winter and the leaves are gone and the environs is reduced to sticks (trees) and basic ground. The sky reappears from the screen of leaves. And the snows begin and the world is transformed into black and white. The barren landscape is fantastic for shooting in cemeteries, adding to those uncomfortable feelings that many of us feel about death, the topic we prefer not to think about until we have no choice.

Those first snowfalls are so nice, usually wet, heavy snow that subdues the sounds around.

I see the seasons as colors. Winter - white, spring - brown/green, summer - green, autumn - fiery palate.

Back to winter, the two aspects of this season that are most appealing to me are trees and the deep long shadows of the season.There's just something about the look of a barren tree!

And who knows what lives in the shadows?

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