Monday, March 21, 2011

Boring Project

Since not much is happening in my sex life, I mean photography life, and I have no interest in giving up my pursuit of art and meaning (or something along those altruistic lines), and since boredom plagues us all...(though usually I am not inflicted with that plague), I have decided to turn my "art" into what's really going on. And I must warn anybody reading this that I read...a lot, and sometimes after I finish reading, I think. And drink coffee. And sometimes what I read afflicts my life. I am drawn, like a firefly to an open flame, to images that just look nice, no particular meaning or symbolism, but just nice things on which to rest one's eyes.


This has led me to a new project which will show up, to some extent, in my Flickr gallery, Nice Looking Boring Pictures! We all see them, and when we're busy looking for that decisive moment, we have an abundance of boring sights in view. Why not honor the banality? I hopefully will capture well composted boring images that fill my life.

Watch for it at a theatre near you.

And speaking of R-U-D-E...

I'm sick and tired of being passive when someone has entered and violated my air space. Today, I sat in a coffee shop, very peaceful and quiet, and one woman came in, sat in a seat facing all of the quiet drinkers, and engaged in a way-too-loud "I don't care about you because I am" conversation. A few mephitic glances did not deter this noisebox from barking on her cell phone, so I decided to do something about it. I changed seats so I was facing her, took out a camera and pointed it right at her and shot her. She knew what I was doing. You will see it in her face when I post the shot tomorrow.

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