Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fuji Follies

Have you ever heard those stories of a person in an abusive relationship, who in spite of clear evidence that the situation will never improve, go back for another dose, another beating? That is the sort of relationship I have with the Fuji Corporation.

Right after I got interested again in photography, this time digital, after struggling with a 1.3MP Kodak point and shoot digital camera that was seven steps below one of those disposable one-timer cameras, I bought my first feature rich digital camera, a Fuji S5000, back in 2004. I unpacked that box with so much anticipation, only to learn that it was defective. Great a defective camera! What fun!!!

It took me three weeks to figure out it was the camera and not the power supply causing the problems, and I was able to use it...when it started freaking out, I just rebooted it and it worked okay. Sort of. Oh, I didn't mind that when I was composing a picture it occasionally went off medication and I watched the screen scroll through the various modes...auto/program/aperture/shutter/scene.

I sent it back twice and the problem was never resolved. However, I was resolved not to buy a Fuji camera again.

Instead I bought a Minolta Dimage, a Canon Power Shot S50, A Lumix FZ28, a Canon Rebel, three different Canon Power Shot SX series, and a few small pocket cameras. No Fuji. I occasionally drank Fiji bottled water (is it really bottled in Brooklyn from some guy's backyard water tap?) but no Fuji cameras. Well, one little pocket one but that was just for espionage work and it was never a serious camera.

Then last year the Fuji HS10 was announced, with 30X optical zoom. It was one of the first super zoom point and shoots. I think the Olympus might have been first. But it looked good, with a larger CMOS sensor. Zoom Zoom. I love zoom ZOOM. Z--O--O--M. I can Zzzzzzooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmm right in on the action in Detroit without getting shot or car jacked!

I watched the forums (DPReview) carefully as the nuts went ape-shit for this new camera. It hit the shores of China first and images started appearing. Looked good. 30X zoom! Then it hit the UK. More photos, and slowly at first, the posts started popping up with the theme of buyer's remorse. And the Fuji HS10's started heading for the return-department, partly due to some seller's no question asked return policies. I think once that started, returning cameras, some buyers felt obliged to follow suit and they returned their cameras as well, before they got to know it and use it.

I bought one, full retail price as I didn't want to wait. We had nil Fuji dealers so I couldn't touch/hold it before ordering one. How can a corporation as large as Fuji not have a single distributor in Michigan?

It came. I went out and shot with it and the very first time...the LCD screen cut out when I tilted the camera. How could this happen? And then the NOT AGAIN!!! feelings swelled. But if I kept rotating it and with pure thoughts, I could fire off some pictures. Besides, I didn't have a good back up camera. My Canon was not shooting straight. And besides besides, I'd have to pay to ship it back, even though it was defective before I opened the box.

Finally, last month, I sent it in. Two weeks went by and I got word it was coming back to me. Did I mention that I really enjoy shooting with that camera, that I rarely pick up my Canon and aim it into the air since I got the Fuji? I got it late last week (in spite of Fed-Ex's attempt to keep it out of my hands by playing a rousing round of 'catch me if you can' for three days) and finally...I got a chance to shoot off a few pics. I fired it up and the first thing it did...was go blank, the LCD screen I mean. Then yesterday I got a chance to use it a bit more and the more I used it, the more the screen went blank.

What's up with the Fuji company? Not only do they lack quality control on new products, but they can't even fix their own stuff?

Hmmm....that new Fuji HS20EXR is sure looking mighty good, an enhanced version of the camera I have that doesn't work properly. I wonder how Fuji engineered the enhanced defects built right into their products?

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